Saab: Brake lights out, brake light switch, wire splice
QuestionHi, Jerry! I just lost brake lights on my 93 900s. All other lighting ok. Bulbs, brake light switch, and fuse (31) all ok. Switch seems adjusted correctly; it closes with less than an eigth inch of movement of the pedal. FWIW, I have no voltage across the fuse, or from either side of the fuse to ground with engine and lights on or off. There is always at least 12 volts at the red wire at the switch. Can you help? I dread the wiring diagram... Thanks in advance!
One of those annoyances..apparently a broken wire/bad connection/defective switch (despite appearances) somewhere. What I have done in in such cases is to run a new wire rather than tearing the car apart. To do this, you'll need to know where in the circuit the 12 volts "ends". I am not sure which switch you meant; is it the brakelight switch? Is the 12V on both sides of the switch (pedal depressed)? If so, then you'll need to run an entirely new wire from the switched side of that switch (under the carpet) to the brakelight cluster.All the brakelights take a red wire; splice into that and then cut off the original that goes back into the bowels of the car (which could short out someday). Hope this helps,
If necessary, I can scan in a schematic and send it.