Questioncar will start and run fine--sometimes no start. three time on the way home just stopped--all indicators lights fine just stopped--got lucky and restarted and made it home--this morn no start again--when running is so smooth and full of power--please help me narrow this down
Intermittent problems are the hardest to find...because when you look for them, they disappear. From your description, consider the following:
a. An electrical connection is loose/corroded, either in the fuel pump or ignition circuits.
b. A sensor is failing...if the SAAB is 1996 or newer,you can go to Autozone for a free readout of recorded problems. If between 1986 and 1996, you can read any faults yourself by a procedure of "counting check engine flashes" or alternatively, go to a dealer.
c. The distributor and associated triggering circuits are loose,corroded, or failing electronically
d. The fuel pump is failing
One easy way to determine of the problem is ignition or fuel supply related; turn on the radio to an AM unoccupied frequency...turning up the volume, listen for spark generated background static-noise. When the failure occurs, try to determine if the noise disappears before the engine stops or vice-versa. This is a tricky test and you gotta be quick! If the noise goes away first, its ignition related.
Hope this helps