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Saab: Saab ignition frozen, saab owner, manual transmission

Hi, I have a 92 Saab manual transmission and the ignition is frozen solid. Granted the weather has been -20 degrees.  However, it has been to the mechanic and he cleaned it out briefly but it is still frozen. He says that it may require taking everything out and cleaning it all up, but that will cost me 300 dollars. Which seems like a lot. Is there a way to attempt this myself or is that not recommended?  Thanks, Stranded Saab owner.

 Could you please be more specific as to exactly what is "frozen up"?  For example, is it the keyswitch, the distributor, or any other part of the ignition subsystem? Is it due to ice or corrosion/lack of lubrication?
 As to wishing to "tackle" it yourself...in principle, by all means; however, at -20 deg it could get a bit unpleasant. Please get back to me with more specifics so that I can respond more precisely.