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Saab: grinding noise, loss of power steering, loss of power, Saab power steering pump

My 2000 9.3 had a loss of power and the power steering went out.   At the next light, I put the car in park and revved the engine a bit.   The car then drove on with power steering working, but soon the power steering went out again and there was an awful metal grinding sound coming from under the hood on the passenger side.  Is it the battery?  I don't think a dying battery would cause the grinding noise.

 Although I do not have personal on-hands experience with your vehicle, your description points to a failed power steering pump (or idler pulley, alternator, or air conditioner compressor). Depending on the particular vehicle, all or some of the above are driven by either one or two  rubber belts.

 Your problem is definitely NOT associated with the battery.

So, I would check each of those components, with the most likely culprit as the power steering pump.
  Hope this helps,
