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Saab: Saab900s 4 cyl something exploded - liquid inside hood, radiator hose, temperature gauge

I had my distributor cap, rotor, and wires replaced today.
I brought the mechanic (who is a master saab mechanic but now has his own place), the used distributor. He said I had to get the new cap from him b/c the copper connections in my used one were a little burnt. However, the rest was fine. I got new spark plugs, wires, rotor cap, and all done today. Car was running fine for 1 hour, then when I was almost home, the emergency engine light went on and the battery light and the care sounded like it was "gurgling" in the hood. Car died on me.
Then I opened the hood and there was liquid in there...not sure where it is coming from but saw droplets of liquid on the battery. There is definitely coolant in there.(FYI). Please help-- I am out of work and have spent so much money on this 1997 POS!!

 Sorry to hear about your mishap. If I understand you correctly, you said that there were droplets of coolant on your battery. If that is correct, then my guess is that you were either low on antifreeze (due to a leak somewhere), or your thermostat stuck, (either of which would cause the "gurgling" sound (coolant boiling).Is there a leak on the radiator hose near your battery?  Did you notice the temperature gauge? Did you try restarting the engine after it cooled down?
Feel free to continue this dialoge with more info that you observe..all the better for me to help solve the problem.

 Hope this helps,