Saab: Saab fuel pump shut off?, control circuitry, saabs
QuestionDo you know if there is a fuel pump shut off switch in a 96 saab? If so, do you know where it is? It will not start and recently the battery has been disconnected. It sounds as though it's not getting fuel..
As noted in my profile, my hands-on expertise is limited to the pre-1990 SAABS. Since SAAB is a very conservative manufacturer and the early ones did NOT have a cut-off switch, the newer ones probably do not also, but I cannot be sure.
There are rather simple procedures to check the fuel-pump control circuitry, but they are model-specific. The best investment you could make (as a do-it-yourselfer would be to subscribe ($25/year/vehicle) to <> for the most comprehensive source of info that I know of.
Hope this helps,