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Saab: Saab wont start, head gasket, spray patterns

QUESTION: Jerry - our 1991 900SPG just won't start.  It has spark - the starter turns over fine, the fuel is coming thru fine - but it just won't fire up.  Any thoughts?  thanks, LP

ANSWER: Lawrence:
 It sounds like you may have a mechanical problem...first check compression (140 psi+ minimum). If low on any cylinder, then you may have: a. leaky head gasket; b. burnt valve; c. worn camshaft; d. 'slipped' timing chain. Also, when you checked for fuel, did you check the spray patterns of the injectors?

         All possibilities, none simple, I'm afraid.

         Hope this helps................


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Jerry thanks - the main frustration here is that we just had the head redone - all new gaskets etc.  I'll check the other things, but any other ideas would be helpful as well.

Thanks, Jerry


 Do I understand that since installing the head, the engine had not run OR has it run satisfactorily for awhile and then 'quit"? If the former is the case, the question of proper setup (valve timing, etc) arises. If the latter is the case, then my original comments are still germane.
