Speedy Auto > Auto FAQ >  > Cars > Saab

Saab: 1992 Saab 9000 hatchback, 1992 saab 9000, saab 9000

How do I remove the dash panel? I want to remove and replace the insulation that keeps blowing out the A/C vents. Thanks for any help.


 Sorry, but my experience, as stated in my profile, is limited to 900's only. Assuming that 900's are similar to 9000's I can say that  removing the dash panel on 900's is a bit too involved to describe here. I would recommend getting a "book" on the car, either at the local library or auto store. Alternatively, you can sign up for the most complete info available by going to <www.alldatadiy.com> for an online version...its around $27 for a year's subscription.

                                     Hope this helps,