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Saab: 91 Saab Starter, starter, solenoid

My 91 Saab is not starting. When i turn the key, it makes a click, but no "engine starting" noise. The alarm system was also flashing and clicking at times when I try to start it and it dosent start. I have since disconnected the security system so it dosent work, or interfere. What do you think is the problem? Spark plug, spark plug wires...what?

 The fact that you hear a 'click' but get no "starting noise" tells me that either your starter motor or  solenoid is faulty. I sent a series of responses very recently on this very topic which describes a "do it yourself" diagnosis pinpointing the problem precisely, if you have the inclination (and a voltmeter).
 Otherwise, any decent mechanic should be able to do it quite simply.