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Saab: Saab 1986 900 Turbo Starter, southport fl, starter solenoid

QUESTION: I've disconnected my 2 starter wire spade connectors.  T50 and T15a.  Which two wires connect to these?  One wire feeds into firewall and the other wire feeds to front of engine.

 You should get 10-12 V at terminal 50 when the keyswitch is in the START position. If YES, then the problem is in the starter or starter solenoid. (They usually go together). If NO, then the problem is "upstream" probably at the keyswitch itself.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm installing a new starter which includes the solenoid.

What wire do I connect to T50  and what wire to T15A.

One of my wires feeds through firewall.
One of my wires feeds from a grouping of wire.

These 2 wires are the stock 1986 wires, with female connectors.

 The Yellow wire should go to T-50 and the other to T-15A.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Am installing a new starter and the Keyswitch works fine.
I have 2 yellow wires:  
One is fed in a grouping of wires next to radiator and the other yellow wire feeds from a grouping of wires from the left side firewall near the steering arm.  Which one connects to T50 and which one connects to T15A?
And thank you very much for the help, Mike in Southport FL.

Interesting that there are two yellow wires...my documentation only shows one for your year!  
Anyway, here is how to identify which of the wires goes to T50:
Put the keyswitch in START position and determine which of the yellow wires has 12 V on it; that goes to T50.
