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Saab: 95 Saab 900 se trouble starting, saab 900 se, saab 900

Hi, my saab is an automatic trans. My problem is intermittent.It dosn't really seem to matter if the engine is hot or cold.I put the key in and turn, the car sounds like it wants to turn over and the clock lights come on, the one that says "checking" & "check ok", the heater and headlights will come on, but the panel lights do not come on, you know, the ones by the speedomoeter and the clock never says checking or check ok. After a few times of trying to start, a series of clicking sounds come from under the dash board on the far left side. Please help...thanks

 From your description, it sounds like a weak battery or intermittently poor connection. Have you had the battery checked? Other than that, I cannot point to a single probable cause.

                 Hope this helps,,
