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Saab: 1988 Saab 900i 2.0L 16v Turbo, saab 900i, e mail address

My Saab hasnt had any previous issues. It recently turned over ok, ran for about 5 seconds, then died. Now when trying to start it, the engine will turn, but will not fire. The solenoid checks out fine with a multimeter, ohms and volts, but no spark. Any suggestions

ANSWER: Nilton:
 The problem sounds like it might be either the distributor cap, or rotor, in all likelihood. To check for a "grounded rotor) remove the distributor cap and rotor and sniff the interior of the rotor...if you detect a slight burnt odor, then you have found the problem,!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the quick response.
I inspected the rotor and there apears to be no smell or noticable blackening inside the rotor cap. Is there any other tests you could suggest and sinally what do I do if it is a grounded rotor?
Many thanks!

First, check the integrity of all wiring between the distributor, the ignition amplifier[see below], and the coil.The next steps are more complicated; you'll need to check both the hall effect sensor (the ignition pickup located within the distributor) and the ignition amplifier module (located on the left wheel well partition). Both of these require electronic knowledge and a digital voltmeter.
Its also possible that the timing chain failed...check that the distributor turns as you crank the engine.
The only fix for a "grounded rotor" is replacement..its only about $8 or less.

  If you need further info, I'll need your e-mail address to send some scanned-in material from the repair manual.

         Hope this helps,
