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Saab: 2002 SAAB 4 door hatch back, cable head, cable line


Just recently my Saab did not want to crank.  I got up about two weeks ago and went to the garage to crank it so it could be warming up but it would not start.  I tried to start it the first itme and it turned over farely well but did not start.  I tried it the second time and it tried to crank in which it sputtered a few times and went dead (as if it was out of gas or something).  I tried it the third time while this time pressing down on the accelerator to give it a little gas and it sputtered a bit and then cranked. I drove it to my next stop turned it off and when I returned to pursue my destiny it cranked right up and I went on to work, but when I made it to work and returned to it after working my 8 hour shift it would not start and I had to have it towed.  There are times when it will crank and there are time when it wont.  The batter and cable was a little corroded. I had the cable line cleaned and the exposed wires covered and the cable head replaced and bought a new battery but the same problem exists. please help resolve my problem.

I cannot from your description determine whether the engine actually starts and runs a bit OR that the cranking action is irregular and intermittent. If it's the latter, I would consider replacing the starter motor/solenoid. If it's the former, then its likely a fuel related condition such as a "going...soon to be gone" fuel pump. Feel free to reply with any clarification you may have if you wish.

          Hope this helps,