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Saab: 84 SAAB ignition wiring, toggle switches, lock cylinder

Hi, Jerry!  I thought the ignition cylinder in my car was broken.  I bought a
replacement cylinder, but once I disassembled everything I discovered that
the broken part was a little metal ear UNDER the lock cylinder.  Now I just  
want to replace my ignition key switch with a two toggle switches and a
button, as mentioned in a post by Richard Bennett ( He doesn't seem to be
available any more).  Any suggestions on which wires to connect and how?

 I probably have an extra "shaft-gear-tab" piece to replace your broken one. Get me your address and I'll send it. If it works, send me back whatever you think its worth. Also, I can repair your old one if you send it to me by welding/brazing a new tab on.
 I can get you the multi-switch hookp info if you wish, but I do not recommend it inasmuch there is too much danger of accidentally getting a wrong combination and doing damage or getting into a dangerous situation while driving.

 I will be away for a week and a half starting Weds. the 26th.