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Saab: Saab 900 SE Turbo - Random Electrical Blip, gas gauge, saab 900 se


My '97 Saab 900 SE Turbo has suddenly developed an electrical blip (for lack of a better word).  While driving (sometimes while accelerating to 2nd gear and hitting bumps) the tach, speed and gas gauges drop then quickly pop back up, and the gas, Display Info, and brake light come on for about 5 seconds, then go off.  At first it was rather occasional, now it's become more often.  Also, now I'm finding that when it happens, my gas gauge reflects zero gas.  If I restart the car, the gas gauge will correct itself.  This started happening AFTER my gas pump was replaced.  CAN YOU HELP??

 In all probability, the problem is that there is a momentary short-circuit to ground. Since it is linked to the fuel pump replacement., my guess is that one of the wires in the vicinity of the pump is physically close to a ground point..when the car hits a bump, the conductor momentarily touches ground and causes your symptoms. On the pre 1992 900's, the fuel pump was located beneath the trunk floor, under the carpet and a round push-on cover. As SAAB designers are a 'conservative' lot, I would expect that in your model the location is the same but I am not sure.
 In summary, then, I would gain access to the fuel pump and examine the connections,especially those that needed to be handled as part of the fuel pump replacement. Make sure that all conductors are not physically close to any exposed body metal.
 Hope this helps...................