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Saab: rough running till warms up, e mail address, faulty sensor

QUESTION: I have a 86 900s 16 valve I am in love with, am dealing with a fuel pump problem now, but have had car for 7 or 8 years and every since I got it the car starts fine and idles rough and runs rough for a while and you can feel it smooth out while going down road, then runs fine.  I always felt it was a sensor of some kind.  Thanks Dave  P.S. My wife found this site and asked about car not starting after fueling, really appreciate the input

 You are likely correct in attaching the 'blame' to a faulty sensor. Did you know you can query the control computer rather simply without any special equipment? If you would like the procedure, send me your actual e-mail address and I will scan it in and send it as a jpg file. By counting "check engine" flashes and correlating it with a table of faults, you can let technology help!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: First, you are like a dream come true.  Have always wanted to talk to some one that knows about saab's.  My e-mail is [email protected].  I'd also like to ask about the original problem with fuel pump.  Started fine, stopped for fuel and would not start.  Went with trailer to pick up 48 hours later and by chance tried to start.  It started up, drove home 45 miles shut off in driveway and would not start just like first time.  My wife said you addressed this problem, but I apoligize I can not find e-mail.  I promise I will not be pesky, but I love working on my own vehicles.  THANK YOU,  Dave

The fuel pump issue: When in-the-tank fuel pumps fail, they often act irregularly as your wife described. However, from your description, you suggest a "hot-start" problem, i. e.,engine starts when cold, but not when hot. If that's the case, then the there may be other causes, although the fuel pump still should be considered. I suggest a test; first, start the car, and let it warm up. Then shut off and try re-starting; presumably, it will not start. Then run a single long ire directly from the battery to the fuel pump (located beneath the trunk mat under a round cover)and listen for the pump. If it runs, then try to start the car. If the car starts, then you know it is the pump or pump relay/wiring. If not, then the elec (spark) circuit should be investigated.
Alas, I'm off to North Carolina early next morn for a week and cannot get to sending the checkout procedure till afterward. Meanwhile you may try the 'test' and feel free to get back to me to <[email protected]>.