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Saab: 2000 9-5 sometimes wont start, solenoid switch, starter solenoid

I know that the 9-5 is not your expertise, but was wondering what your experienced opinion might be on this issue:

My 2000 9-5 has an occasional issue - I would say this happens at most once every 6-8 weeks.  I get in the car after it has been sitting for anywhere from 45 mins to 2 hours, put the key in, turn it and nothing happens.  Its not a battery issue as the radio, lights etc work, but otherwise it acts like a dead battery.  NOTHING happens - no attempt to turn over, nothing.  SO I just keep taking out and reinserting the key and turning it and it always starts eventually - sometimes after 3 mins of trying, sometimes after an hour just as the AAA truck is pulling up.  It hasn't happened for quite a while until recently, so it tends to be cooler, but not necessariy cold, weather related.  It does not appear to be rain related.  The dealer says they have no idea what is causing it as its very intermitten.  any ideas?  I'm trying to figure out if this is easily fixable or if I should get a new car.

I think it IS easily fixable..after all, there is very little between the key-switch and the starter. My guess is that there is a 'bad' connection somewhere in that path...from the key switch to a relay (sometimes) or directly to the starter solenoid switch to the starter motor itself. Literally there are only 4 or 5 possible electrical joints that are possible culprits. The problem of course is the intermittency. In order of liklihood, I'd replace the starter solenoid first, then the starter, then the key switch. A rebuilt starter should cost about$250 with $100 for installation. Don't let 'em gyp you!!
P. S.: A new car is HARDLY necessary!!!!!!!!
                    Good luck