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Saab: Piston failure, salvage yards, southern new england

I broke down with white smoke pouring out of the rear of 2001 9-3 Saab.  
Towed to dealer- they said no compression in piston 1 ring failure and turbo
blown.  Other 3 cylinders had 150 compression- need to replace entire
I still owe $5700 on car. Should I replace engine or sell it like it is on a trade?  
Im so sick- I never had any problems and warranty is up as it has 88K   I am
so shocked and now need advice. Used engines? I just  never dreamed this
could happen.
Thanks very much.

 Sorry for the bad luck...engines should last much much longer that yours, and for the most part, nowadays they do. For that reason, getting a used engine would be my recommendation. I just checked and they run from $1,600 to $2,200 in Southern New England where I am from. An excellent online website is http://www.partshotlines.com/default.aspx
which can locate one in your area. Figure on $$600-$900 to have it installed. In recent years, I have installed many used engines with good success. As a sign at a local salvage yards says: "Don't worry about getting used parts, the car you just drove in on consists of them!!"

                 Good Luck
P. S.: Avoid dealers...they charge way too much. Consider a small garage that specializes in foreign cars.