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Saab: 1990 900 2.0L Cooling System, advanced auto parts, fuse blows

Hello Jerry,

I have recently been having troubles with my 1990 Saab 900 2.0L. After driving the car for 20 minutes or so I see the temperature gauge run hot, but before the cooling fan can start the fuse blows and the car overheats. I have taken it to the dealership, but they cannot find the problem. Have you encounter this in any of your dealings?

Also, I have been wanting to do minor maintenance and repairs myself for some time but couldn't find a Paper Repair Manual for the 1990 900 2.0L. Could you point me in the right direction?

Sounds like several problems here. The radiator needs replacement/boiling out since in normal driving, the car rarely overheats and thus the fan rarely comes on.
Secondly, there is either a short in the fan motor or the wiring of that circuit. You can readily check by removing the connector from the fan(s); if the fuse blows, its the wiring; if not, its the motor.
I have had to completely rewire that particular circuit in the past, bypassing the site of the short.
Lastly, AutoZone, Advanced Auto Parts, or most other such places ought to have the repair manual. The best one is by  "Robert Bently Publishers", but pricey (approx $35); HAYNES is less detailed, cheaper ($16), but still adequate for most jobs.
   Hope this helps,