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Saab: Saab 900, catalytic convertor, saab 900


I recently got a used saab 900 and i'm not sure what year.  I believe there is some sort of problem with the exhaust.  When the car starts the back of the car vibrates intensly and it is very loud.  Do you have any idea what the problem could be.  Also i was wondering if you had any ideas on how to find out what year it is

Tyler McGee

Regarding the noise - Sounds to me like you do have either an exhaust or poor idle problem. If the vibration due to rough idle it will often go away as you run the car at slightly higher rpm's under no loar. If it is exhaust, it will sound like something is hitting constantly under the car with a light metalic or thudding sound - you will espesially notice it when making a turn. I would suggest that you crawl under your car and make sure that all of the hangers are still present. They are basicly thick rubber slings that hold your exhaust to the car. You will likely have 3 or 4. 1 near the tailpipe, 2 at the exhaust, and 1 near the catalytic convertor. You local auto parts store should have a generic replacement. If your broke use bailing wire or an old coat hanger. I have replaced my own exhaust a couple of times and let me tell you it sucks - even with a lift. I would suggest you get it replaced by a pro if it needs replacing.
Regarding figuring out the year take a look on the inside panel of the driver side door. You will find a label describing what you got. Hell, shouldn't your registration and insurance have the year and model as well?
