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Toyota: Converting my 1999 Toyota Camry to LNG, 5sfe engine, fueleconomy gov

Hi David, Yesterday I saw a 2000 Toyota Camry with stickers on the bumper indicating the car was running on LNG.  Unfortunately I was unable to speak with the guy driving the car.
I tried to search on Google for information on converting to LNG but could not find anything.
Do you know if it is possible to convert my 1999 Camry to LNG and if so does it make any sense moneywise ?
[email protected]

Thank you Tom!  I just learned something new because of you.  Well, here's the run down: Toyota made these cars as fleet vehicles to be sold in California only.  They only were available for three model years 1999, 2000, 2001.  Toyota pulled the plug in late '01 because the new '02 Camry which is redesigned, was to come out.  


The next logical question:  What's the engine code?  It's based off the same inline four cylinder available in the Camry since '92, the Toyota 5SFE engine.  The CNG version is the Toyota 5SNFE. I'm already looking into just seeing if the engine is avaiable alone to swap into a Camry that's gas powered.  

MPG Report(2001 Camry CNG):

If you are interested in seeing if the engine is available alone to swap into a Camry, write me back, I'll get you any info I can get to see just how feasible this would be as a project.

As far as it making sense in doing it...  well..  I'm at a lost as to where I'd get CNG to fill up the car's tank to begin with:)

Hope this helps!
-David D.