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Toyota: Smoke when starting the engine, toyota camry solara, 1999 toyota camry solara

Hi again. Before the smoke was  there when I started  the engine and after the car started running it was gone. But now if I see from my rear glass i see smoke whenever I hit the accelerator. Now when I start the engine, there is whitish smoke and when i run it there is the same smoke. The mechanic had no idea where it was from and said it would go after few days of tune up. The spark plug tips were black when i took them out and replaced them with new ones. But the problem persist.Is it a big problem and what should I do?? Thanks

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Thanks for the tip. Accordingly i took it to a mechanic and like you said all the spark plugs were black so i changed all of them and again there was no engine oil so i changed that one too but i think the car still throws smoke while starting. is there something else to do beside that??? the smoke looks whitish. The gas mileage seems preety good. Thanks-------------------------
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I just bought a 1999 toyota camry solara 3.0 V6 and had no problems for a few weeks then suddenly while starting the engine it started emitting a lot of smoke. and after a few minutes it stops. ??

Answer -
White-ish?  Hmmm.. my next guess is that you are burning coolant.  Your exhaust will smell a bit sweet and if that's the case, most likely your head gasket is worn.  See what it smells like but don't sniff to long.. Carbon monoxide is not good for the brain:)

Did the mechanic give you an idea of what could be causing the start-up smoke?

Well, check to see if your engine is consuming oil. It sounds like your valve seals are going and if that's the case, it's a relatively complicated job.  The "easiest" fix I can recommend is something like "High mileage" oil and something like "Engine Restore" or Lucas-brand oil additives that help engine seals.

A tune-up wouldn't really help the smoke unless it's something simple causing it like not changing the oil in a long time or your spark plug wires are excessivly worn.