Toyota: Toyota Sienna power window problem, fuse boxes, master switches
I have a 2001 Toyota Sienna and the passenger side window would go down but would come up only inches at a time over a long period. Now it will not go up or down. I replaced the regulator motor, but it still will not work. I do not have seem to have any power at the switch. I've been told it is the relay but I can't find anything in the "under the hood" fuse boxes that are labeled window. Where is the relay located?
AnswerAlright Mark, as per my reasearch, that relay should be inside the car. Check around your steering wheel area. Sometimes you have a little drawer or just a little plastic square that you can see has to be able to pop off (as if something else was supposed to be able to fit in there in the future). The relay you are looking for should be there;)
Meanwhile, the regulator is new or used? Another thing to look at is your driver's master switches area. Those switches can go bad causing window problems too. To test it's a matter of checking their voltage as you switch them to pull the window up or down. If the voltage in any of the switches is lower than the rest, well, you've got your cuplrit. Also, checking the voltage of the regulator is helpful to, just to make sure it's operating as specified.