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Toyota: Toyata Celica, toyata celica, power steering pump

Hi David,
First of all Thanks for answering my question.
My First Question is How  risky is this if not fixed with a new one and just use the fluid which may temperoraly fix it?
Now i can hear only sound when i make a full turn only at more than 60 deg i think.
How much it costs approximately if you have an idea for a new pump or a good one which is used?

Thanks a lot

Followup To
Question -
I bought a 1990 Toyota Celica 3 months ago .I have had problems with it. I had donr the diagnosis and they say the the Power Steering Pump is leeking.
Can you tell the best way to repair this and with minimum cost.
Thanks for you time
Answer -
The easiest and laziest way to TRY to fix it is buying a steering pump leak repair fluid in the resvoir (follow their directions to add it) but it may or may not fix it or atleast fix it only to have it leak at a later date.

The second repair to fully fix this, and is a bit harder would be replacing the power steering pump.  If you are up for replacing the pump, let me know, I'll try to send you the info you need to do it.  But...  you need to buy a new power steering pump (preferably a new one but a GOOD used one is just as good just without a warranty).

Or, you can a mechanic replace it for you.  How much?  Wouldn't know since I've seen what crazy prices they give some of the questioners here.

1990 Toyota Celica steering pump..  Hmmm..  Well, here's a simple test of what it's like to have that bad boy just die while you are in the car.  Hop in your car, find a nice big empty parking lot (or somewhere safe... please!), get up to a decent 10mph.  Drop the tranny to neutral or "N" for your auto, and shut off the engine.  Your car will be silent but still rolling.  Now, try turning to your left or right, as if to make a U-turn.  Does it take ALOT more effort to turn? Be weary that your brakes are now LESS effective because the engine's vaccum is not present in your brake booster so KEEP THE EXPERIMENT SLOW, PLEASE...  Once you've finished, just pop the tranny into either "P" or keep it at neutral (Neutral for manual drivers) and fire up as usual.  

The power steering pump just lets you steer with ease.  If you've driven a car without power steering...  You get a nice upper body work out:)  As far as danger, the experiment will give you the idea of what you'll feel when the pump gives up. It may be a little exaggerated but it's better to OVERESTIMATE then under estimate when it comes to your life and the pump failing while you do 65mph coming up to a sharp exit ramp on the highway.  

I say that 200 bucks is better than some little 8 dollar bottle of some temporary fix BUT it depends on how bad the thing is leaking.  If it can go from full to empty every week, then replace it.  Good luck and be safe:)  Remember, what's more important?  A little more debt on the credit card or your life and the life of whoever you drive with?  

P.S. I believe that if you turn the key all the way to "off", it may have your car turn on the steering wheel lock so be weary of that too.