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Toyota: 98 Avalon - Blower shuts off, shotgun approach, blower heater

David - you recently responded to the question below.  I have a 1998 Avalon with the same problem.  Is your answer still the best solution? The problem is intermittent. Sometimes when I shut the car off, finish shopping, then start the car, everything works fine. I have see it happen when I drive, the outside temperature indication first goes out, then the blower (heater or AC) shuts down. You can't manually start the blower with any pushbuttons.

March 2006 question:
David, Recently the outside air temperature indicator went blank and the blower shut off. The buttons still light up when pressed but nothing happens. Dealer told me I need a new amplifier, new damper plate, and new servo system, Said something about a technical service bulletin. Wants $1400 plus to fix it.
Sounds to me like a shotgun approach... I don't think he knows whats wrong so just wants to replace anything it could be.
Is the amplifier something I could put in myself? I am fairly skilled and have a basic set of tools. Could I maybe pick one up at an
auto wrecker?

You should try visiting the Toyo dealership you got it from. Maybe they'll offer a decent price considering a TSB is out on the problem.

Ummm.. If not, what this user said is pretty much a fix but I'm very iffy about it actually helping.  I just have this instinct.  If nothing else, see what a A/C tech says you need to fix this issue.  Just get an estimate and see what they feel is the solution.  If I could get in the car myself, then I'd tell what I BELIEVE the issue is but guessing through my keyboard.. :(