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Toyota: Front Wheel Bearings, front wheel bearings, shade tree mechanic

Thanks for your time David.  I am a shade tree mechanic, and I need to replace the front wheel bearings in my brothers 1993 Toyota Paseo.  I have never done this in a front wheel drive application.  I keep hearing about "pressing the seals" do I have to have this done at a machine shop or is it something I could tackle over a weekend? Also one guy at a repair shop told me I have to replace the entire hub asslembly is this true?  I have my doubts.

Alright, because I've got a couple of questions waiting to be replied, I'll be quick.  This is the section entitled "Suspension and Axle" for my 1994 Toyota Camry.  While the Paseo and Camry are to different cars, you'll still see how to replace the bearings.  You will need a press (according to this manual) but I dunno.  Replacing the entire hub assembly is only needed when the backlash is out of spec.  You'll see it all in the PDF file.  good luck my friend and I hope this helps you:)
