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Toyota: Diagnostic codes PO441 and PO446, celica stx, toyota corrola

I need help locating the charcoal canister SVS valve on toyota corrola 1998.Also, is this the right part to check and replace for the above trouble code. And how much is the price to replace(approx).


Alrighty, for those codes, the VSV is the best place to start.  For your 1998 Corolla, I believe it should be near the intake manifold.  I'll send you a picture if you aren't sure what it looks like.  As far as replacing the charcoal canister, this is what I could find on EBAY


The price isn't bad.  But yeah, even though it says Celica, they both shared the same 4AFE engine so they can share parts.  Just like my Camry has the alternator off of a Celica since we both use the 5SFE engine.  I think the Celica is probably the only Toyota car that has used more different engines than any other Toyota car.