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Toyota: Gear Ratios (i think), spark plug wires, clutch pedal

It is a celica manual gt convertible 2dr, sorry forgot to put that in there, oh and its 1997
Followup To
Question -
When I am driving on the highway it seems like my car is running at too high of an RPM.  Example, if I am driving 70 on the highway my car is nearing 3500 rpm and if I go any faster its up around 4000... Is this normal? if not, how would you suggest to change it?
Answer -
What Toyota car do you have?  Is this stick shift or automatic?  (I assume automatic but I have to ask and make sure:)  

Have you kept up with basic stuff such as motor oil and filter, spark plug, wires, and distrib. cap and rotor, air filter, fuel filter.. etc..etc?

I want to say that it's probably normal unless your flywheel is messing with the engine's ability to rev but you would probably notice a surging in power and RPM not just a little jump like that.  Do you have any pedal vibration in the gas or clutch pedal?  A little problem in engaging gears?  And.. You haven't gotten any "Check Engine" lights, right?  

Other than that, maybe checking the state of your differential and trans fluid. After all that checked, then we can probably conclude it's normal.  1997 GT..  That's my Camry's engine, the 5SFE but I have an auto trans in there:(  But, do know that you are driving one of the couple of Toyotas I plan to buy to slowly build up a Toyota collection.  ;)  

Hope this helps and feel free to ask me anything else.
-David D.