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Toyota: 1982 toyota corona, toyota corona, battry

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my battry keeps going dead, I have replaced the battery and alternater now I dont know what to do next can you please help me
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Well, here's the first question: Are both the battery and alternator new?  If one of them is USED, then you need to check and make sure they are in working order.  

As well, you can still get a defective NEW battery so you should drop in to a auto parts store and have them test your battery.
I lose all power to everything then It wont start like the battery is dead I replaced the fuseable link today and still the same problem I charge the battery let it run awhile and then turn it off restart it and it starts ,then I turn it off and try to restart it and its hard to starting like the battery is run down .
Finally, it could be an alarm system you may have purchased that's draining the power.  

What is the car doing that leads you to believe the battery is dead?  Answer that and I'll try to be a bit more specific and probably be able to answer just a bit better!

Hope this helps
David D.

David would that cause my lights to go out and lose of every thing else ,radio ,wipers
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Hmmm.. Hard starting..  In other words, to start it, you need to turn the key a couple of times and then it finally starts?  Let me ask, when you do that, can you hear a clicking under the hood.  

The First Test: Pop the hood open and see if you can hear it clicking when you turn the key.  It should be FAIRLY audible.  It'll probably sound like something electrical popping or something like a clicking metal-to-metal sound.    

The second test: Try it again but this time turn on your headlights (which should turn on your cluster lights so you can see your speed and stuff).  Do they turn on?  Do they turn off ONLY when you try to crank the car up?  If you held the key in the final position, does the power EVENTUALLY come back on?

Try it out and come back to me, I think I may know what ailment your Corona may have:)

Oh, When it does fire up and runs, does it idle smoothly?  Can you hear it popping or does it sound like the engine doesn't keep one clear steady sound but instead it surges?

when the battery is at a full charg , it starts right up and Idels fine ,you dont even know its going to happen untell it does and if you turn the car off ,its hard starting, wont start and then the battery goes dead and you have to recharge it , now the outher day I was able to get a jump and it started so I could get it home ,but as soon as I turned it off no power  
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Boooo..  Bad Kim..  You didn't do my tests but it's fine.  I wanted to see if you can hear a clicking when you try to start up the car.  But, I'll tell you what I believe it is.  Considering that you got a new battery and alternator and ONLY when you jump, it tends to work fine, I'm gonna say that your starter motor is barely hanging on for dear life.

Now, I could be wrong but I have had the same problem happen TWICE to my two Corollas.  I think it's happening again for the third time to my Camry.  So, I'll scare you first.  That starter typically can go for as low as 58.99 to as high as 114 dollars.  BUT, Toyota is a wonderful company and NipponDenso is too.  NipponDenso made these starters so you could REBUILD them.  The rebuild IS SO EASY it's amazing how companies will charge an arm and leg for an alternator.  

I want to help you out so I got a person who can sell you a kit.  Should be ABOUT 27 bucks or so.  I've e-mailed to see if they have a kit available.  What I'll do is forward you the info I have on everything and you can decide if you want to buy the kit or not.  He's the same guy who helped me for my two Corollas so I trust him.  

You'll just need someone who'll install it.  It's only a matter of pulling out the starter and replacing the parts.  Not hard at all and a GOOD mechanic should be more than willing to help you out and give a DECENT PRICE for labor.  The process takes me about... 50 minutes because starters are HARD to remove because they are bolted in tight and sometimes in awkward places.  

Sorry for my long reply:)  

This is the reply I got from my buddy John, the starter kit guy I use.  Let me know if you should buy a kit.  They come pretty quick too.  If you should get it from his site, make sure to ask for the 2.00 upgrade (only if you buy from his web page)  Total for the kit with shipping at either Ebay or his site is $26.14.

John Hyatt Replies:

Not a Problem
1982 Corona uses a TSK-1 You can buy it on my web site here
http://www.nasyard.com/ /A_Direct_All_Description_Pages/1ST_Shopping_Cart_2_7_06/TSK1_SHOP_CART.html

or here is a TSK-1 on ebay
I know it does not say its for a Corona, but they are the same kit