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Toyota: Radio Installation Problem, toyota service manual, nut bolt

I have a 92 Camry and I took out the stock radio to replace with an after market JVC radio/cd player. I've used this after market radio before in my truck so I know it works. I'm having a wiring problem. I went to ciruit city and brought there 92 Camry to JVC easy connectors, just match the ends and snap them together. Now the clock and radio have no power to it at all, but when I unplug the radio the clock work. Plug the radio back in and niether of them work. Is there any thing I'm not doing right?Can you help? thanks

I've got a JVC headunit in my '94 Camry.  I just bought the Toyota adaptor and just followed the color-coded wires.  My only gripe is that I can't bring the antenna donwn WITHOUT having to turn off the headunit.  Anyway, sometimes those connector kits tend to be a bit different then what you need so you should make sure that you are wiring the correct two things together.  I'm not sure on how to explain this BUT try this link:


It should include a wiring diagram.  But, the better part to this is that you have a FULL Toyota Service Manual FOR FREE!  It breaks down each and every nut, bolt, and clip in the entire car.  It's good for 92-96 Camry with either a manual or auto trans and either the I4 or V6 engines.  I hope you find your answer with this BIG manual BUT if not, I reccomend becoming a ToyotaNation.com member and asking a moderator by the name of 88LE that same question.  He's got about.. 25 years of electronic installations behind him.  Alarms, audio, video.. that's your man...

Hope this helps!