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Toyota: Gas Door Problems, car mechanic, hard job

Hey Giacomo,

When I go to pull the lever for the Gas Door to open (don't know the correct, or technical term for it) on my 91' Celica GT, I hear the sound for it attempting to open, but there is no pop and the door does not open. Is this something that I can fix myself (with limited car mechanic experience), or should I just take it in to a mechanic to fix? Thanks for your time.  


woahhh... I think this could be a non-expensive problem, but a hard one to fix...
I think the cable is broken.. the only thing to do is to start from the rear of the "gas door" (inside the car), and follow the cable and see if it's broken. To do this, you have to tear of some parts of your interior.. that's why I told you it's a hard job..
I had the same problem in my lotus, cable costs like 10$, but work needed 3 hours...

Hope this helps, let me know if I can help you more!