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Toyota: jerking start from standstill, check fuel, fuel pump

I took my car in to get the state inspection done and now it jerks, stutters as it accelerates from a dead stop. If you apply the gas about as slowly as possible you can avoid this. Gets better when the engine is warm. This is only from a stopped position although I believe if I slowed to a crawl and accelerated same would happen. I figure they had to adjust the mixture or idle to get it to pass inspection?
Thanks in advance!


This looks like a problem with injection...
The problem could be caused by various causes, what did they replace/repair?
- fuel pump
- spark plugs & wires
- Air filter
- MAFS (the sensor on the airbox)
- fuel (maybe a wrong or bad fuel)

Let me know if you do some more tests!
Try for example to slow down and then give full gas with warm engine.
BTW which model is yours?
