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Toyota: 1991 toyota pickup, mass air sensor, air flow meter

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Question -
When I start my truck when it's cold I get a very ruff idol untill it warms up, and even after it warms up it idols ruff, gas milage is very poor about
14 miles per gal. My mechanic said it was the oxygen sensor, I replaced it and it is still doing the
same thing, also cheched out the mas air flow meter, I changed it with one that I know was good
and still had ruff idol cold and hot.

1991 4X4 3.0 V-6 auto
Answer -
flush the fuel injectors and change the plugs

Hi Paul,

Sorry I did not add a couple of things, it has new plugs,wires,cap& roto,
and a compression test I had previously cleaned the injectors. My mechanic
said it has a lean condition, when I removed the plugs the were white, the trodes were severly rounded, I have to premium gas to keep it from pinging. I can not come up with an answer. I hope this will help sorry again, and THANK YOU VERY MUCH  

ok then! how long has this been going on? how many miles are on the vehicle.?
i'd check a few things just shooting from the hip on this.. has the timing been checked? did the timing jump? has anything been done to the vehicle to cause this lean condition? the other thing is the cat converter. and check the mass air sensor. that could be the most likely cause.. let me know how u do.