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Volkswagen: fuel smell on 1976 Beetle, charcoal canister, bentley service

I have same issue as the writer of the following link:


His was a 1974 (carb), mine is fuel injection.  I have Bentley service manual 1970-1979, but it doesn't show location of charcoal canister.  Is the fix exactlly the same as the '74 or are there other lines, fuel smell culprits on the FI which should be checked out?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Andy M.

Hi Andy,

Check the lines under the front hood and make sure they are not cracked/leaking.  These most often are the culprit, particularly when going around turns.

Also, make sure that the seal on your gas cap is in good shape.

The charcoal filter is usually located uner the passenger side rear fender.

