Volkswagen: 79 VW beetle Fuel Injection problem, waffle iron, vacuum diagram
QuestionJust got a 1979 VW super beetle convertible that "just needs paint" well the interior is fully restored and it does just need paint, It also has the strangest engine problem I have ever seen. After starting the car up if you start to press down on the gas pedal it revs fine, go a little farther down and it starts to sputter and chug as if it's not getting gas, go a little farther and it revs fine. This happens in all gears including neutral. And it is a very specific, consistent range on the pedal. First and Second are the most noticeable as the car starts to buck when in that bad zone. Most of my starts are Jack Rabbit due to this. (Whiplash anyone) third is noticeable a little and fourth can't really feel it.
Any idea what I should be looking at troubleshooting? Of course my mechanic wants to convert this to carburetor but I read one of your posts stating the car's value is lost on a conversion which is why I am coming to you for possible help on this.
1) Check out this site: and poke around the forums. Get a good vacuum diagram of the car and make sure all of the hoses are hooked up properly.
2) Make sure that the wires that connect the intake air sensor(looks like a waffle iron) are hooked up and not rotted out.
3) Check the air filter.
5) Make sure all grounds around the engine are hooked up and have not fallen off. These are the typical issues and will get you started.
Good Luck!