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Volkswagen: 1974 Super Beetle, wendy dale, access panel

Good afternoon,

My husband has a 1974 Super Beetle.  We are trying to find out how to check the transmission fluid.  It starts and runs fine, but it won't go into reverse.  Can you give us some direction?

Thank you for your time !
Wendy Dale

Hi Wendy,

There is a plug on the side of the transmission, that is unscrewed with a large allen-type wrench.  

You can obtain one at: www.mamotorworks.com

However, not going into reverse is not typically a fluid issue. Check your shift coupler located under an access panel under your rear seat on the top of the tunnel that separates the two sides.  Should you discover that the bushings are shot, you can replace the coupler at the same address above.

Finally, try to adjust the shift plate (which is underneath the gear shifter itself.   You will need to consult a Bentley Manual on how to properly do this or visit this site:


Hopefully, this should help you out.

