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Volkswagen: No power to Fuel Pump in 79 Bus, fuel pump, air cleaner

Ron, I have a 79 camper bus, fuel injected, air cooled and I'm not getting any power to the fuel pump. I put in a new pump and have had it tested and it works fine but no power gets to it.  I've replaced/checked the two relays and have followed the wiring as far as I could but can't find any problems.  Thanks

Hi Zach,

1) Turn the key to 'on'
2) Remove the air cleaner
3) Push the flap open with a screwdriver
4) Listen for the fuel pump

If it turns on, you may have a problem where the fuel pump gets it's power during starting.  It ties in to the solendoid; check those connections.

If it does not turn on, I would check all of your grounds.

let me know how you make out.
