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Volkswagen: Raw Gas Smell on Left Turn, gravity forces, gas filler

I own a 74 Super Beetle.  When I make a left turn there is a strong smell of raw gasoline in the passenger compartment.  I've  had the hoses running from the gas filler hose changed as well as the filler hose its self.  I have also changed out the gas cap.  I noticed that the small tube running out of the filler tube is crimped at the bend it makes before it goes into the fitting.  When a left turn is made gravity forces the gas to the right side of the gas tank where the filler hose is located. The smell is only present when a left turn is made.  Right turns are OK. Any suggestions would be helpful..  Thanks alot.  Larry

Hi Larry,

I had a similar problem with my 1974 SB.  If you replaced all of the hoses, and the clamps are tight, I would check the fuel cap.

The seal under the fuel cap needs to be tight against the filler neck.  If it isn't, when you make a left turn the fuel wants to dump out the filler neck and run down the neck into the trunk area.

To check -- Try doing a hard left turn on a full or near full tank and check the neck under the filler cap.

Let me know how you make out.
