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Volkswagen: Re 71 Superbug wont go into gear, www thesamba, clutch pedal

Sorry it would not let me do another follow up question,said I had to restart...So your last question was does it go into gears smoothly with the car on but not using the clutch pedal...Just went and tryed that, 1st and 2nd yes moves freely 3rd will with some grinding noise and 4th would not go in at all just grinding noise...Thanks so much..Barbara Turner

Hi Barbara,

It looks like the clutch went.  

The first step is to take out the engine and inspect.  The good news is taking the motor out of a 1971 Bug takes no more time/work than doing a full tune up on an American car.

Get yourself a Bentley manual for 1971 and check this site out:


Don't be afraid to do the job!  IF you read up and are interested, you can do this job fairly easily.

Lots of luck!