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Volkswagen: 71 VW SuperBug Wheel Shakes, steering damper, inflation pressure

Just got out 71 Superbug back on the road and when we get up to about 40 and turn the wheel slightly it shakes like crazy,looks like its going to fly off then it settles down for a while then repeats later...What can we do...Please help..Thanks

Hi Barbara,

Super Beetles are notorious for their shakes.  However, it is not a design-flaw, but a sign of wear.

Here is the suggested course of action, (least expensive, first)

1) Check your tires for correct inflation pressure.

2) Have your tires balanced by a reputable shop and have them checked for broken bands (if radial) or bubbles.

3) Replace steering damper, which reduces vibration.  Here is the link to one from a reputable parts seller:


4) If all else fails, I would suggest rebuilding your front end.  It would probably cost $350-400.  

If I can offer you one piece of advice in terms of rebuilding your front end: Do it all or don't do it.  

Replacing piece-by-piece on your front is not only frustrating, it will only get you part of the way there.

I hope this helps.

