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Volkswagen: Engine, vw bug, valve clearance

Hello I just bought a 1970 vw bug.  It has the 1500cc motor and I was just wondering how can I stop the pinging in the motor when I go up hills.  Is it bad gas or something else.

Hi Bryan,

It is very important to stop that pinging as it creates 'pits' around your valves, and can shorten the engine life.

First thing to do is to put the highest octane fuel (assuming your are in the USA)you can in the engine.

Second thing to do is to adjust the valve clearance to .006.  Use a reputable VW Manual to do this (Bentley/Clymer/Chiltons/Haynes)if you are unsure how to perform this job.

Finally, using the same manual, adjust your timing to the correct factory setting.  Timing that is too far advanced will cause the pinging sound as well.

As another precaution, go to an auto store and get some anti-knock fuel additive.

All these steps should get your engine running correctly.

Let me know how you make out.
