QuestionQUESTION: hi i have a 1972 westy,it wa srunnign fine and when i hooked up the cd player all was fine i started it it was good for 2 min now i cant get it to turn over,i added more gas but nuttin,..any ideas
ANSWER: Chantes,
Strickly speaking, "not turning over" means when you turn the key, nothing happens. Adding more gas at this point will not help. If these assumptions are correct, I would check the starter circuit. Let me know if you need more clarification or you have more detailed info.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: sorry when i try and start it it tryes to turn over ,,,i added gas cause i have a leak and thought maybe it was out,but now my battery is getting low ,it tryes to turn over but thats it.i saw a vaccum hose was off so i put it back and still she tryes to trun over but nothing,
A few things to check first:
- Look down the carb and turn the throttle to see if the accelerator pump shoots some gas.
- Get a timing light and check for spark as you crank.
- If no spark, check for 12 volts on the coil with the ignition on.
- Also try disconnecting the reverse light switch on the transmission and try again. If it works, I'll explain later.