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Volkswagen: 1975 vw typr 2 pickup, fuel connections, miss fire

QUESTION: hi , i am having trouble with a miss fire  on my fuel injected engine, i have
checked the ignition side, all is as it should be, so it must be the fuel side, can
you help by telling me what to check for . regards Robin...

ANSWER: Robin,
 You should start with doing a fuel pressure test.  It should be about 35PSI.  There is a test port on the fuel rail of the left side head.  This will validate the tank, fuel lines, fuel pump, fuel regulator, and double relay circuit.  Once you've done this, get back to me with results and we'll go from there.  

- Rick

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Rick, sorry for delay ,weather, ihave checked fuel pressure as best i can at
test port, there is a good pressure there i dont think it is as much as 35 psi, i
have noticed underneath the van a petrol pipe going to a petrol heater, there
is a branch off the fuel line between the filter an d the pump, might this be
the problem? I can give you so more imfo the engine seems to start and tick
over just fine, its when i drive it up the road it splutters and hesitate, the
ignition side is new although the spark plugs are about 6 monthes old,is it
likely one is breaking down under pressure,a real problem thanks for any help
you can give. regards Robin....

 If you believe the pressure is sufficient, I would not be concerned with the other fuel connections at this point.  

From the symptoms you describe, I would replace the CHT sensor (known as Temperature Sensor II), located on the left head.  It looks like this:


It's an easy/cheap fix and known to cause these problems.
