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Volkswagen: 1974 Super Beetle steering gear box, steering gearbox, universal joints

My 1974 Super Beetle 1600 has a nasty float, about 15-20 degrees, in the steering wheel. Is there any kind of adjustment I can do, or should I replace the gear box?


 The freeplay as measured at the perimeter of the steering wheel should not be more than 9/16".  Yes, the steering gearbox can be adjusted.  You can get to it from the trunk just to the drivers side of the spare tire under a plastic cap.  The adjustment is always made in the clockwise direction.  You need to do the adjustment, then turn the steering back and forth a few times, then maybe repeat the procedure several times.
 Also, there are 2 universal joints on the steering column which could be going bad and cause the same symptoms.
 If you have checked both of the above and still have the problem, replace the gearbox.

- Rick