Question1) What would be a suitable Haynes Manual to buy to aid my future maintenance fo the car
2) When I put my foot on the accelerator the engine chokes a bit before catching up and often cuts out when I press the clutch and brake before changing gear. Can you tell me what I shoud be looking for please
I am assuming you mean a classic, air-cooled Mexican Beetle (not the "New Beetle", also made in Mexico.) If so, I honestly have NO experience with these because they are in effect outlawed for direct sale in the US.
Normally I would recommend the Bentley Official Service Manual, but as far as I know they do not publish a version specifically for the Mexican Beetle. This is important because from pictures I have seen and other references, there are quite a few differences (front disk brakes are one example.)
I would imagine that VW Mexico has published a service manual dealing with models up to 2003 (the last year of production for ANY aircooled Beetle), but I have found no reference for such a manual (yet.) However, from what I have read on some VW blogs, folks are very happy dealing with Antonio Trejo of Mexico City (
[email protected]) but I have had no personal contact with him. You may try writing him (in English??) to see if you can get a manual. In fact, when I'm done here I am going to do the same. Thanks for the question.
- Rick
--- Follow up ---
Vicky, I forgot to address the engine question. There are a couple of things it could be:
- The vacuum advance on the distributor. There could be a loose/cracked/misconnected hose, or the vacuum diaphram (part of the distributor) could be faulty.
- The accelerator pump is faulty within the carburator(assuming this is Mexi- Beetle is carburated.)
Also, I already got a reply from Antonio in Mexico City. He's says there are no service manuals available. I guess the Bentley manual for 1970-1979 models is your best bet. I have both the Bentley and the Haynes, I definately prefer the Bentley. It covers all the final years of carbs (70-74) as well as fuel injection(75-79), Standard as well as Super Beetles. You can get one from eBay or
- Rick
*** Follow up 2 ***
Vicky, I just found this great web site with lots of technical info on your car. I am studying it myself to get more familiar with the Mexican "1600i" as it is designated. Check it out!
- Rick