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Volkswagen: convertible tops, convertible, replacement

I want to buy a beetle convertible (1975-79) model I have looked at a couple but the tops were bad. I was told it would cost about $3000.00 to replace a top. I found some on line for about $400.00. Can we put this on ourselves? Does it really cost that much to put on?

As with any job, you always pay a premium for the labor, 50% of the total cost is about normal.  But, of course prices are as varied as the people who do it.  However, with enough effort, yes you can do it yourself.  Not easy, but definitely not impossible.  Obviously you have to be somewhat comfortable working with hand tools and could use the help of a friend at times.  You'll save a lot of money, get to know your car that much better and get the satisfaction of doing it yourself.  Besides, if I could find a convertible for a reasonable price today I would jump on it immediately; in my humble opinion original VW Beetle convertibles are some of the coolest classics around, especially with a lady driving.  Try this link for ordering the installation instructions:  http://www.chucksconvertibleparts.com/manuals.php
Be sure to order the correct volume for whatever year you decide to restore.  There may be other resources that can be found with a bit of Googling.  Good luck.