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Volkswagen: 74 Super Beetle wont crank., seat belt, interlock

QUESTION: Type 1, model 1131, 1974,chassis 1342440422, distributor #0231170034, engine AH3111903. Not started for 2 years. I drained the gas, blew the lines, installed new filter and new rubber lines. Put in a new coil & new battery. THEN left the damn ignition key on while I went shopping. The new coil blew the condensor side hookup to pieces,fried the condensor, points, and the ignition side of the coil. I replaced the coil and connectors, put in new points & condensor, hooked up the battery, turned the key and got no response. I'm in the process of tracing all the wires in the ignition circuit to see what else might have fried also plan on looking at the starter circuit to see if it was fried. Am I on the right track? The motor is apparently a replacement motor as the ground strap to the transmission is just hanging under the car and the emission control egr system has been replaced by a positive crankcase system and the fuel evap system is disabled and plugged.

ANSWER: First of all, you should connect the ground strap, because the starter may not have a good negative return without it.  After doing this, as far as troubleshooting starting(engine turning over only), this is relatively easy.   You need a multimeter or a test light.  Pull the plug off the ignition switch, located under the steering column.  Measure pin 30(the heavy red wire) to ground; it should have a constant 12vdc.  If not, you likely have to find a burned wire and/or bad connection back to the battery; it is a direct connection(no fuses).  If the voltage is good, continue with this procedure.  CAUTION: Make sure the transmission is in neutral, hand brake set! Now take a paper clip and short pin 30 to pin 50 (red/black stripe).  This should kick the starter.  If not, there could be a bad wire/connection back to the starter(known as pin 50 on the starter, a clip-on terminal lug), the starter is bad, or the ignition switch itself is bad(behind the key tumbler).  The most common problem is the connector at the starter is loose and/or dirty because it's under the car dealing with all the nasty elements (mud, oil, etc).  A nice trick to check the starter is to take a screwdriver, get under the car, and short the battery connection on the starter (the heaviest wire) to terminal 50(the ignition terminal described above).  Warning: you'll get sparks and the starter should turn the engine over.  I have to emphasize, MAKE SURE THE CAR IS IN NEUTRAL, HAND BRAKE SET!  Using wheel chocks is a good idea also.  Once you've got the engine turning over, from the sounds of it, you still may not be able to get the car running because of your other wiring other issues.  Good luck.

BTW, I should mention that if the engine won't turn over with the key, but will with the paper clip jumper, then the key switch is definitely bad.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yikes! There isn't a black/red striped wire at pin 30. There is a white/red striped wire instead. Should I use the paper clip method anyway??
The wires are:
Red at pin 50.(Heavy wire)
White with a red stripe at pin 30.(Heavy wire)
Black.(Heavy wire)
Black with a yellow strip.(heavy wire)
Grey with a black stripe. (skinny wire)
There is also a steady 12.06 volts from the heavy red wire to ground.

Volkswagen: 74 Super Beetle wont crank., seat belt, interlock
1974 seat belt relay  
Sorry, I forgot about the additional seat belt relay on the 1974.  It is inline with pin 30 of the ignition connector to the starter with the white/red wire going to the relay first before exiting the relay with the red/black wire and continuing to the starter.  Therefore, this relay or circuit may be part of the problem also. Go here to find out how to troubleshoot/bypass it:
