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Volkswagen: 94 VW Jetta - Electrical Trouble, blown fuse, vw jetta

I think a fuse may have blown in my Jetta today when I turned the key in the door lock. The doors all unlocked at once, which is normal, but then 3 of my 4 windows rolled down gratuitously. Then they refused to roll up again, and my door lock ceased to work. So I'm thinking  a fuse may have blown...  I also discovered theres some wiring that's a bit frayed looking in the rear driver and passenger side doors. Could this have caused the blown fuse? Which Fuse is the one that controls this functionality?

Or am I going down the wrong trail...
Please let me know.


I'm not that good on this era VW, but on late models, it's the same component that controls the locks, windows and alarm.  One would think that VW would design it to be more fault tolerant, but if it gets bad input, it pretty much goes haywire.  All of these bad events should be logged in the module as error codes accessible from the OBDII port.  It's a good idea to find out the faults from there.  You'll see things like "implausible signal from RR window regulator", etc.  A generic OBD reader will typically not read extended VW codes, so you'll need a specialized VW one.  You have two choices, the $tealership, or this website http://vagcomlocator.com/tinc?key=cSZEvUVt&formname=VAGCOM
Most of the people there will read your codes for a case of beer.
