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Volkswagen: Injection v. carburation, mass air sensor, vw beetle

Hi Ron.
We have a 1979 VW convertible that we brought with us to France. The flowmeter is malfunctioning. A local Beetle specialist recommends to convert from injection to carburetor, which he did quite a few times. He could find a flowmeter once in the US (the model was never sold in Europe) and replaced it: it worked, then started having problems at other places on the path and had to convert it anyway. The operation costs about E. 400 ($560). Would you say it is worth trying to get a replacement flowmeter from the US, or just go the simple, expensive way?
I'll be anxiously waiting for your answer. The car has been unusable for 8 months. Thank you very much. Jacques.

Hello Jacques,

I would suggest never converting the 1979 VW to carburetor for the following reasons:

1) The 1979 was the last 'official' year of the VW Beetle Convertible, and the more original you keep it, the more money it will be worth.

2) The Mass Air Sensor (flow meter) can be purchased either on E-Bay as a used part for under $100 USD or new from www.mamotorworks.com/vw.

I would suggest buying a good used one (they rarely fail) and driving along.

Best of Luck, and keep me posted!
