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Volkswagen: Stored 79 Beetle has no spark to carb, storage area, problem solution

I stored my '79 Super Beetle in 2001, which I had bought new. It ran great when I drove it into storage -- only because the rear floor board was severely rotted out. Now I'm losing my storage area and have to reluctantly sell it.

When I pulled it out a few days ago and tried to start it, it turned over normally but wouldn't fire up. We found that we had good current TO the coil, which we confirmed was good because we replaced it with a known, good coil. But NO current was geting to the rotor or carb.

Do you know what the problem/solution might be?

(I have no Service / Manual Book.)

I would be grateful if you responded to me directly at:
[email protected]

Thank you very much!  

Hi Mr. Reidy,

I would suspect that you replace the points and condenser.  You should have 1 black wire on the + for the coil, and two on the - (one is green for the condensor, one is white to control the impulse for the fuel injectors).

The most common problem while in storage is the condenser goes.  

You can get these parts at:


For under $20.00, you will most likely have the buggy fired up with no problem.

Also, if you are looking to sell it to a worthy owner who will cherish it --- try posting it for free on the following site:


Best of Luck and if you still have any problems, do not hesitate to reach out to me.
